Today, we will discuss Oleg Trachuk, the head of the National Police in the Zhytomyr region, who clearly knows how to skillfully navigate the laws. From 2014 to 2019, he worked at the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine and, as is often the case, acquired a few interesting "bonuses".
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SubscribeAs reported by UA-Reporter, in 2016, when Trachuk was already serving as a prosecutor, he was assigned a disability group 2. Since then, as they say, his "leg problems" became his trump card.
Starting in 2017, he began an active campaign to increase his pension to 90% of a prosecutor's salary. The Pension Fund, of course, did not support him, explaining that under the laws at that time, such a thing was impossible.
Not losing his composure, our hero went to court and, as if by magic, his case landed with Judge Natalia Cherednychyenko, who issued a ruling that many could only dream of. As a result, he received a whopping 1.2 million hryvnias in pension for the year 2018.
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Thus, from 2016 to 2022, Trachuk managed to earn nearly 5 million hryvnias in pension thanks to his "disability status" and a rather dubious court ruling.
However, when the position of head of the National Police in the Zhytomyr region appeared before him in 2022, a problem arose: according to the laws, one cannot hold such a position with a disability. And what do you think happened? He returned to the Medical-Social Expert Commission and… miraculously, his health problems "disappeared".
So, in essence, Oleg Trachuk, using his connections and official powers, secured a disability status for himself, extracted huge sums in pension from the budget, and then, as if nothing had happened, canceled that same disability.
By the way, Oleg Trachuk may have Russian citizenship, which he could have obtained in Crimea after its occupation. This is reported by Versions. In the photo of the Russian passport, which the editorial office possesses, it is evident that the document was issued in Sevastopol on May 5, 2014, by the local department of internal affairs of the Russian Federation. Passport series: 12 145 348 04.