Recently, the Department of Regional Development of the Zhytomyr Regional State Administration finalized a deal with LLC "ArtHouse" for the construction of a new kindergarten for 40 children in the village of Vysoke. The contract amount is impressive – a total of 46.61 million hryvnias, as shown by Prozorro. It seems that the region is seriously committed to caring for the future generation.
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SubscribeThe kindergarten is planned to be built by the end of 2025. A diesel power station will be installed, external sewage networks will be laid, and the territory will be landscaped.
This year, 30.6 million hryvnias have been allocated for these works, and in 2025, an additional 15.98 million. The financing is supported by the European Investment Bank as part of the Ukraine Recovery Program.
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However, as always, there are a few "buts". The estimate lacks precise specifications for key items, writes "OUR MONEY". For instance, windows priced at 6,360 hryvnias per square meter may turn out to be among the most expensive on the market, but the problem is not just with them.
Prices for many items are significantly higher than market rates. For example, hot-rolled rebar will cost 47,902 hryvnias per ton, while it can be found on the market for 32,900 hryvnias. Or, for instance, ordinary sand – 408 hryvnias per cubic meter, although its actual price does not exceed 270 hryvnias.
Interestingly, LLC "ArtHouse" won the contract without competition, as no one else submitted proposals for the tender. Their average annual turnover was 131.76 million, which allowed them to pass the selection. However, one of the companies, LLC "Eurobud", attempted to contest the requirements as discriminatory.
Known facts about the company
LLC "ArtHouse" is owned by Petro Boblo, and managed by Vasily Gerasymchuk. The owner's son, Andriy Boblo, worked in the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of the Zhytomyr region in 2017. Since its establishment in 2016, the company has "won tenders" worth 1.27 billion hryvnias, with the main customer being the Department of Regional Development of the Zhytomyr Regional State Administration.