A video is actively circulating on Russian Telegram channels, capturing a controversial moment involving the governor of the Zabaykalsky Krai, Alexander Osipov. In the video, he is seen first wiping his nose with his hand and then touching the head of the region's forestry department, Elena Shalyapina, who was reporting to him about the situation with forest fires.

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This incident has sparked a wave of jokes on social media. Some users described it as the Zabaykalsky head "wiping his snot" on the official. Many couldn't resist making ironic comments regarding the new "management method" in Zabaykalsky Krai. The regional administration has so far refrained from commenting on this incident.

Interestingly, this occurred after Alexander Osipov won the gubernatorial elections in Zabaykalsky Krai in September 2024. Naturally, there were expectations for new initiatives from the official in his new position, rather than such scandalous situations. However, it seems that Governor Osipov chose to start his term with an original spectacle. When asked by local journalists to comment on the situation, Osipov simply ended the phone call.

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